A few days ago I came to the realization that I, the goofy, childlike person I am, was too old to even think about thinking about freshman boys. But then I realized that there comes a time in a girl's life when she finds herself a little more attracted to guys with facial hair versus the baby faces she once liked to touch with her hands and the stubble that once irritated her mouth after a little makeout sesh becomes a lot more tolerable. The dad bods though... I'm not sure if I'm ready to stray away from the perfectly chiseled Abercrombie models just yet, but to some girls that beer belly is just what the doctor ordered. What does this mean for me? Has my pool of fish been narrowed down to the guys I already know? If that's the case then LORD HELP ME (just kidding, I love you guys... kind of). Growing up is full of some confusing situations.
My current struggle: I'm
too old for most college guys, but am I too young for the working class?
REAL text from me to my bfri
*bestfriend |
I have a work crush on a Mystery Man that happens to work in my building. Before you freak out, know that he doesn't work for my company so it doesn't break the "don't dip your pen in the company ink" rule! Mystery Man and I have chatted here and there and I can tell he's flirting but we're at work! How on earth do you let someone know you are interested or that it's okay for him to take me dinner or ask for a phone number since we have zero form of communication other than running into each other. I've seen MM (for short) on 5 different occasions since I began working at this place & each time *thanks to myself* has been equally filled with awkward giggles and pointless conversations like traffic & Styrofoam cups. I believe myself to be pretty mature but I have to ask... am I too young for him? And then if I'm too young for him, who am I the perfect age for? I can't have frat guys and businessmen... when do I have to pick a side?
Til next time y'all <3