Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Parent Meetin and Gamblin Sounds Like a Good Idea

So... the inevitable happened.

Meet the boy. #cake
I got tied down. I know, I can't believe it either. When you aren't looking life likes to throw you some curve balls and sometimes you just have to swing anyway. After my failed relationships I couldn't help but preach how important it was to be single and selfish and on your own, don't waste your time dating, people fail you, they're not worth it, etc. etc. etc. All these things are still true for the most part but when something important comes your way, or in my case offers me a margarita, you have got to take advantage of it and enjoy the tequila! I was happy and I was content and the best part is that I wasn't looking. He took me to the ocean as a "we don't know if this is a date" date and we've been inseparable every since. In a few short weeks I have learned that not all guys are bad and not all good guys are free from scars. We've both been burned before so opening up wasn't the easiest thing to do, but it also wasn't work. I'm not sure where this is going to go but for the weekend it's taking me to White Oak, Texas. Yeah... idk where that is either. I get to meet the family... ahhhhh. Just freaking out a little. On top of meeting the family I get to meet some of his closest and most influential friends in Shreveport, LA.

So.. wish me luck. Here's to bonfires, getting involved in close-knit families, and hopefully winning some money. #winningoverparentsandwinninmoney

Til next time y'all <3

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What Makes Him Worth It?

There's a fine line between enjoying someone's company & falling madly in love. It is so hard not to slip into old patterns and lose yourself in the flavor of the week or month or whatever. It isn't a bad thing to date and "catch feelings" but it is a bad thing when you forget who are in the process.

My natural tendency is to completely let my guard down and let him in. When is it okay to actually do that? How do we know if a guy we meet is "the one"? Does "the one" even exist? Are we supposed to fall completely with every guy that catches and maintains our attention? Am I supposed to just go for the ultimate trust fall and see if he catches me? We all know that love is risky... but when does it become worth it? There are so many unanswered questions when it comes to new relationships but the only ones worth paying attention are...

Does he put your first? Does he genuinely care about you? Does he want to be with you (like talking) or does he want to be with you (if ya know what im sayin). We need to figure these out before we go falling head over heels.

It's okay if you're scared to fall, but don't let the past haunt you and ruin a good thing. You never know what you're going to discover. I think I've got a good one on my hands. Could he break my heart... most definitely. Will I survive? For damn sure. So what... either you break up or you get married. That may be terrifying but it's the luck of the draw.

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, November 3, 2014

Throw Some Glitter, Make it Rain

In the midst of midterms, football games, and any other activity we thought we could handle there's that one night where girls can dress as a plug and a guys can dress as a wall outlet without being judged. Yes I'm talking about Halloween. A close friend of mine and myself have always tried to rise about the typical slut costumes and come up with something super cute and creative and mmaaayyyybbeeee a little revealing. We've been adorkable clowns and anything-but-scary scarecrows... but now, she's graduated college and so I got with my twitter bestie, Courtney, (long story short, we realized we loved eachother VIA Twitter) and we decided that we would be the Energizer Bunny. I thought, how fitting... I can run around in athletic clothes, comfy shoes, and bang on a drum all night. DONE. Needless to say Courtney, Halle, and I nailed it. We got out sorority girl craft on and created the drum with a circle hat box from hob-lob, blue and pink duct tape, and the energizer logo mod-podged onto the box. Super easy and tasteful! The only thing that might've taken away from the innocence was me walking around the preparty with a bottle of my drink of choice... classy Andre champagne. That was night one for the frat party...
Night 2: Because who doesn't want 2 different costumes? I was all out of creativity and right before I caved by sending a groupme SOS to my sorority sisters asking for a basic nurse outfit I looked in my closet and saw my fur vest. This fur vest might be one of my favorite articles of clothing... and only because I got it for cheap in the kid's section of Target. #SmallGirlPerks. Anyways, I threw that on, borrowed a sequin top, rocked my leather pants, smacked some glitter on my face and called myself Ke$ha. I found an empty bottle of Jack Daniels courtesy of Courtney #clutch and a toothbrush, walked around screaming that the party didn't start until I walked in, and probably threw glitter on every person I saw. WORD OF CAUTION: don't play with glitter. It has been 2 days and 3 showers later and there is still glitter all over the place. After dressing as the crazed pop star and listening to her lyrics on repeat I've developed a completely newfound respect for the girl... her lyrics are on point & for sure words I currently live by. Example: "Ain't got a care in the world but got plenty of beer. Ain't got no money in my pocket but I'm already here!" PS: Did I tell you that I totally got 7 free tickets for the pub crawl in Midtown we went to?! #rockstar Welp, it's always fun to dress up and I can not wait until next year. It's time to start planning folks.

Til next time y'all <3