Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year = New You ??

I just wanna look like this again.
Maybe it takes the year to change for us to realize we need to kick our bad habits. We both know you should've put down that cig or that can of Copenhagen months ago but who am I to judge? New Year's Resolutions have become some sort of wish list for things we would like to happen but just to fit in we're going to head to the overly crowded gym for the first few weeks then give up and go back to our daily routine. Maybe that will happen to me, but I think typing it up for the world to see helps me stay accountable. Whatever. Anyways, your parents and those older annoying friends of ours were right when they told us that growing up sucks. That you won't be that flexible if you stop stretching and eventually all those late night Taco Bell/Whataburger runs are going to catch up to you. Man... they weren't kidding. Cheering for 15 years had me pretty strong and flexible... and not to mentioned, RIPPED without even trying. Oh the glory days. But since my days now consist of sitting in a chair for 9 hours, working out is really the last thing I want to do when I get back from work. & boyfriend weight.. yeah that's a real thing. All the Mexican food restaurant dates (our favorite) and beer drinking in my year of legality have taken a toll on my little bod. I've known this for awhile but it took last night to light a fire under my un-toned butt.

Yesterday I decided to try Pure Barre. It's an hour long workout class that consists of small movements targeting difficult areas of a woman's body. It was amazing but it finally hit me that I am something I never thought I could be: weak and no longer flexible... and if I don't do something, I'm gonna get
F A T. Lemme tell you something about a 5 foot tall girl... she can get away with a lot of things like wearing shirts as dresses and shopping in the little kid section on occasion but she can not pull of being fat. There's just nowhere for it to go! So anyways, starting now (yeah that's right, I'm hardcore and not waiting til the 1st) I'm going to workout a lot and cut out soda completely. Just go cold turkey with it. This alone is terrifying.. I'm a whiskey girl and let's be honest... whiskey isn't good without some coke or sprite but I have got to make a change.

Eyes on the Prize

Here's some tips if you don't want to go at it alone. FIND A PARTNER. Make your boyfriend go for a run, sign up for group fitness classes, find someone to keep you motivated. & most important: SET UP A GOAL. My friend and I decided that we were going to lose x amount of weight and as soon as we hit that goal... we're buying ourselves a pair of Tory Burch sandals we've been dreaming about for years. We're doin it for the shoes! I will definitely keep yall posted but don't worry I won't turn into one of those fitness gurus (I'm proud of yall but quit bragging, it makes us that don't have time to live at the gym feel even crummier).

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, December 15, 2014

Put Down the Beer and Set Your Alarm

It's that time of year when our college friends face the end of the all-nighters, the living (or dying) by the curve, and the ridiculously themed ragers. Whether they are the smarty pants that are graduating early or the respectable elderly that took an extra semester, Universities around the great US are saying goodbye to some wonderful attendees. While you may live in close proximity to these graduates things are still going to be different and we have got to learn that these new, responsible adults now have real things to do. They probably won't go out as much on a Monday night or hardcore Sunday Fun Day anymore since they work 40 hours a week. But don't they will figure out how to balance the scales. As for you grads; whether you moved out 4 years ago or are still crashing with the rents this is the going to be the first time in your life you are 100% on your own. Terrifying I know. You fresh out of college kiddos are having to search for your first job (if you aren't lucky enough to already have one), figure out how much money your past few years of college are worth (makes you sick to your stomach), and face the fact that the most paid time off you'll get it about a two weeks or less. It's time to realize that it's Tuesday and going to work not hungover is a lot more appealing than those few Shiner Cheers you have leftover in your mini fridge from the Tacky Sweater Party. On the plus side, you have accomplished something that not everyone gets to do and that is something worth celebrating. To the graduating class of Fall 2014... Cheers! & best of luck. Let us know what the real world is like and thanks for going first.
“Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

Blizzle (middle) graduated in May & works full time & Courty Court (right) graduates Friday.
I'll be with yall in May 2015! <3

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, December 1, 2014

You're the Sprinkles to my Cupcake

Nowadays all women hear is to be friggin I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do ya know what that means? It's beneficial but it's also annoying... yeah I got my own but I don't need the next rapper to keep telling me to buy my own mercedez. I think we need to start telling ourselves and other women around us that we need to be our own cupcake. Dang Hildawg, that sounds ridiculous. (I know you're laughing). But does it? If we started to see ourselves as the - insert your favorite flavor - cupcake we adore would we start taking care of ourselves? Would we start to realize that a toxic friend is like the poopy green custard icing that nobody likes and does not really mix well with our personal flavor? Would we start to realize that boyfriends aren't really a necessity but more like sprinkles? I mean who doesn't love some sprinkles on their cupcake but do you really need em? Once we start to grasp the concept that we do not need some of the extra baggage we carry we start to feel a lot lighter and less stressed out. That yucky icing doesn't have to go on your cupcake... & those sprinkles are NOT a necessity. Be your own perfect flavor of cupcake with the toppings you choose and take care of that thing because the 3 second rule doesn't apply to cupcakes since they tend to land on their face if there's too much sh*t on top.

Til next time y'all <3

PS: Sorry it's been so long. Life has me crazy busy....