Monday, December 1, 2014

You're the Sprinkles to my Cupcake

Nowadays all women hear is to be friggin I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do ya know what that means? It's beneficial but it's also annoying... yeah I got my own but I don't need the next rapper to keep telling me to buy my own mercedez. I think we need to start telling ourselves and other women around us that we need to be our own cupcake. Dang Hildawg, that sounds ridiculous. (I know you're laughing). But does it? If we started to see ourselves as the - insert your favorite flavor - cupcake we adore would we start taking care of ourselves? Would we start to realize that a toxic friend is like the poopy green custard icing that nobody likes and does not really mix well with our personal flavor? Would we start to realize that boyfriends aren't really a necessity but more like sprinkles? I mean who doesn't love some sprinkles on their cupcake but do you really need em? Once we start to grasp the concept that we do not need some of the extra baggage we carry we start to feel a lot lighter and less stressed out. That yucky icing doesn't have to go on your cupcake... & those sprinkles are NOT a necessity. Be your own perfect flavor of cupcake with the toppings you choose and take care of that thing because the 3 second rule doesn't apply to cupcakes since they tend to land on their face if there's too much sh*t on top.

Til next time y'all <3

PS: Sorry it's been so long. Life has me crazy busy....

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