Friday, January 23, 2015

Dust on the Bottle

I woke up, as usual, to the sound of an alarming going off way too early, I turned to my left and saw a sweet sleeping face. He smirked at me and whispered "Happy Birthday, Babe". Although I normally leave him peacefully sleeping as I scurry around the room trying to get to work on time today was a little different. So... I grabbed my cell phone and did what any freshly 22 year old in 2015 would do. I blared Taylor Swift's "22" and belly flopped back on the bed jumping up and down like the toddler I once was.
According to my predecessors, a Birthday is a reminder that you're going to like croak soon, that your youth has faded, and that all you can do now is tell stories of your past and sing "I ain't as good as I once was". I like to think my outlook on life will never let me feel that way. Instead of Toby Keith I wanna be singing "there might be a little dust on the bottle, it gets sweeter with time" or however it goes. I'd like to think that the love I feel from people I hardly speak to will continue to pour in on that glorious January 22nd day, regardless of the year. & that the love I feel is enough to last until the next year. I hope on my 69th Birthday I'm giggling because I'm still THAT immature.

Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, thoughtful gifts, shots that I didn't need but still took, and all of the memories to come.

Til next time y'all <3

PS: If anyone is wondering how my New Year's Resolution is going... let's just say I still don't own those shoes ;)

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