So, I found this new cool diet that apparently makes you drop 10 pounds in a week. See the photo --------------------------->

"...and after day 2 is when I die", said my loving and supportive boyfriend. You're probably thinking WTF is this and why are people even attempting it? I'll tell you why.
- I didn't have to cook anything
- It wasn't expensive
- I work all day everyday anyways
- It didn't seem that hard
- Wow... 10 pounds
Day 2: Vegetables aren't my favorite but I packed the ones I liked. That still didn't matter. This day I was pissed off at the world, so angry, and craved every food under this freaking planet.
Day 3: Yeah I doubt I'll make it there. I'm writing this post in the midst of day 2. Thinking about the vegetables I have in my lunch bag and how I would rather throw them out of the window than eat them and only them for the rest of the day. It got me thinking that no, I am not stick thin, but I am also not a model or an actress or a professional athlete and my life goal isn't to be the size of the toothpick I want to put in my mouth after I eat a steak. If you are considering this type of diet the odds are that you're probably a completely average sized person that spends way too much time looking at pictures of models in bikinis on pinterest wondering how you can get that way. You are NOT supposed to look that way and that is 100% okay! No, I'm saying continue with your fastfood obsession and addiction to Dr. Pepper because that isn't healthy but I'm saying stop killing yourself over being stick thin. It is not worth it and pizza tastes way better than being see through feels. I promise.
Love your body. There is enough negativity in this world, there is no reason to constantly put yourself down. The people that love you do not love you because of your jean size. They love you because of YOU.
I saw a quote today that I feel I should end this post on...
"If your appearance is a 10 and your personality is a 3... you're a 3".
Don't starve yourself to look better, work on the inside and that kind of love and compassion will pour into your self-esteem.
Til next time y'all <3
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