Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Can't I Just Stay in School Forever?

The moment I thought I had been waiting for is almost here, in fact it is only a short 36 days away. College Graduation is the topic and compared to zombies, ghosts, snakes, and spiders... it's the scariest thing in the world. My college career has felt like an impossible mountain I have been climbing for 4 crazy years and then graduation feels like I am personally getting thrown off the top of it by our lovely University President. This is something I have been working towards for 4 years, why is it so terrifying? Isn't the entire reason of going to college is graduating from it? This might be news to some.. but it really is the only reason you're in school. I studied and studied but I feel as unprepared as someone on 16 and Pregnant, all I can do now is watch my belly grow and realize my glory days are behind me.

I hope my mom never reads this because she was friggin right. She told me to cherish every moment, go out every night, and make all the memories I could because that 4 years of irresponsibility ends. Luckily I somewhat listened and have some great stories to show for it. Not any stories I can disclose with a future employer, but if we ever meet, feel free to ask.

My baby sister (left) is graduating too! But from High School

I know this makes me seem like a little kid lacking confidence so here. I have been working my tail off for 4 years. While getting my degree I've had a real job, I cheered for a little bit, and duh, of course I'm in a sorority. I am extremely well qualified for whatever life throws at me next.. ON PAPER. But in the real, emotional sense of growing up I am scared! It's not easy entering the big world, in fact it's crazy hard!

I'm not sure how all you post-grad people survived this. However, I am sure that you all felt how I feel right now. The sense of panic, the obsession over job hunting, the over-preparation for interviews, and the disappointment you felt when you realized you might have to move back in with your parents. It's almost time for me to quit riding the fence of being a sorority girl and a full time employee. The countdown to the President (not of USA) shoving me off that mountain has begun and unfortunately... there is no stopping that clock.

Oh & job searching absolutely sucks....... but I have an interview next week so keep your fingers crossed!

Til next time y'all <3

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Eat Your Heart Out

If anyone is following this, which I doubt.. really it's okay, you will notice that I have not yet posted an instragram-worthy photo of my skinny, freshly manicured toes, hanging out comfortably in some gorgeous Tory Burch sandals. Why you ask? Well, because I actually have a life and have to work for my time instead of living at the gym and spending millions of dollars on organic foods to cook in my beautiful, extravagant, non-existing kitchen. Staying in shape, or my case trying to, is extremely difficult if you have a full time job. The prime workout time is at like noon and I can't leave work! It sucks! Nobody wants to go to the gym after working a 9 hour workday, that's just ridiculous. I want to sit, wrapped up in blankets, and watch Nashville for like 5 hours until I finally fall asleep. [no I don't actually do that... all the time.]
So, I found this new cool diet that apparently makes you drop 10 pounds in a week.  See the photo --------------------------->

"...and after day 2 is when I die", said my loving and supportive boyfriend. You're probably thinking WTF is this and why are people even attempting it? I'll tell you why.
  • I didn't have to cook anything
  • It wasn't expensive
  • I work all day everyday anyways
  • It didn't seem that hard
  • Wow... 10 pounds
Here's my account so far of this "miracle diet". I got past day 1 pretty easily. Fruit is great so no big deal. I ate some apples, blackberries, strawberries, and pineapple. Perfect!
Day 2: Vegetables aren't my favorite but I packed the ones I liked. That still didn't matter. This day I was pissed off at the world, so angry, and craved every food under this freaking planet.
Day 3: Yeah I doubt I'll make it there. I'm writing this post in the midst of day 2. Thinking about the vegetables I have in my lunch bag and how I would rather throw them out of the window than eat them and only them for the rest of the day. It got me thinking that no, I am not stick thin, but I am also not a model or an actress or a professional athlete and my life goal isn't to be the size of the toothpick I want to put in my mouth after I eat a steak. If you are considering this type of diet the odds are that you're probably a completely average sized person that spends way too much time looking at pictures of models in bikinis on pinterest wondering how you can get that way. You are NOT supposed to look that way and that is 100% okay! No, I'm saying continue with your fastfood obsession and addiction to Dr. Pepper because that isn't healthy but I'm saying stop killing yourself over being stick thin. It is not worth it and pizza tastes way better than being see through feels. I promise.

Love your body. There is enough negativity in this world, there is no reason to constantly put yourself down. The people that love you do not love you because of your jean size. They love you because of YOU.
I saw a quote today that I feel I should end this post on...

"If your appearance is a 10 and your personality is a 3... you're a 3".

Don't starve yourself to look better, work on the inside and that kind of love and compassion will pour into your self-esteem.

Til next time y'all <3

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Nowhere to Park

Sometimes life doesn't always go your way. Let's face it. It starts off as a semi-decent day. You wake up, throw on some work clothes, get a nice cup of coffee, fix your face, make your hair look like you showered that morning (I recommend dry shampoo for brunnettes and baby powder for blondes), & then you open the front door to be greeted by the one thing you hate most. You discover the beautiful sunny and 75 degree Texas weather was brutally murdered by it's hideous relative you refuse to acknowledge exists.
The. Freakin. Cold. 
You think to yourself, welp... Atleast I didn't park too far away and I've got a heater in my office as you attempt to remain positive because it is only 7 am and you've got a long time to go. You make it to work on time and begin your regular routine. You think you've done everything you possibly can and it can only be like t-minus 2 hours until you get to go home, right? No. Wrong. It's 9 am and everything you've been working on for the past month is wrong and it's kind of your fault because you added in the information in the first place but in your defense you were only doing exactly what you were told. So you shake it off like Taylor Swift told you to. Then BAM. Something else you do on the daily is wrong and then you realize that your coffee is cold so naturally the world is falling apart and you will never look like a Victoria's Secret model and you still don't have a puppy so you google pictures of puppies and tear up at the cuteness. Who does that? We all do. But you suck it up and do your work, praying it's right this time and you leave. Thank goodness the day is over! Now you're ready to see your boyfriend and then meet some girls at a Cajun restaurant to celebrate Fat Tuesday!!! Yeah. Wrong again. You decided to drive so you could leave early because you're responsible (kinda). Then guess what?! You can't even drink away your sorrows because there's nowhere to park. So how does the day end? You're sitting on your boyfriend's bed eating the king cake he got you for Valentine's Day and drinking a whiskey coke out of a red solo cup. On the plus side it's not just any red solo cup... it's those fancy ones for legit college drinkers that you can stick in the dishwasher and it doesn't crack at the top when you bite on it.

Ready for the good news? 
You are alive and can feel the cold air. You got into your CAR to drive to your JOB. You have people that CARE about you and listen to you whine (even if you force them to read this blog) and let you eat all the king cake without judging. Oh yeah... & you've got food to eat. Yes king cake is food. It's actually it's own food group & is recommended that you consume it once a day for all of Mardi Gra season. Laissez les Bon temps roulez! Your days will get better & eventually you'll get a puppy. 
Til next time y'all <3 

Friday, February 13, 2015

50 Shades of Shut Up

So last night the huge, excruciatingly long wait was over and the ever so tempting Christian Grey invited innocent Anna into his office as the phrase "Mr. Grey will see you now" made thousands or millions (I'm terrible at guessing numbers) women and some men got a little too excited. Then the reviews came out. Women are complaining, saying the movie was too slow and too dramatic, it promotes domestic violence. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Here's the deal. This movie is not intended for people who did not read the book. If you have read all three books, like myself, then you would know exactly what you were getting into buying that ridiculously overpriced movie ticket.
I'm not going to see this movie so I can learn some new tricks for Valentine's Day. I am going for two reasons.
1: I am an avid book reader and when I see a book I spent some time on comes to life I am naturally obligated to go see it. Only to see if what I envisioned in my head is what "more important people" *according to Hollywood also envisioned. It makes me feel like I my brain is working to the right standards or something.
2: Because my friend got us tickets for my Birthday!

When I read the "50 Shades" series I noticed a few things. That the author was a newbie for starters. She used the word "intense" like over 100 times or something ridiculous like that & every dirty scene started with the same line. It was as if she had a little word document up titled "sex scene" and just copied and pasted it wherever she needed. To expect the movie to be super spectacular is just absurd. It's supposed to be dirty, it's supposed to be slow, it's supposed to be dramatic. I actually a little peeved that I heard the boom boom scenes were tasteful... THEY ARE NOT TASTEFUL IN THE BOOK. I honestly don't think this book should have been made a movie in the first place. If they wanted to bring it to life on screen it should have been a series on HBO.

& then... to hate on the movie because it promotes domestic violence. C'MON PEOPLE. How many movies do we watch with murder, with cussing, with abuse, with drug use? Huh? Why are those not criticized for "promoting drug use". I've seen a ton of movies with huge house parties full of drugs and it looks like a friggin blast, did it make me go to drugs? Absolutely not because I have a brain. In the books we find out Mr. Grey has a crap top of psychological issues and he's just 50 shades of messed up in the head but will the movie show that? No! Because real life problems don't sell on a big screen.
My humble opinion on this topic is... the whole world knows it's about dirty things where the women literally signs a contract to be submissive to a man. Then quit paying the industry that made it and don't go see it. Oh and another piece of advice... pick up a freakin book.

Now if you'll excuse me, Mr. Grey will see me now at the movie theater.

Til next time y'all <3

Friday, January 23, 2015

Dust on the Bottle

I woke up, as usual, to the sound of an alarming going off way too early, I turned to my left and saw a sweet sleeping face. He smirked at me and whispered "Happy Birthday, Babe". Although I normally leave him peacefully sleeping as I scurry around the room trying to get to work on time today was a little different. So... I grabbed my cell phone and did what any freshly 22 year old in 2015 would do. I blared Taylor Swift's "22" and belly flopped back on the bed jumping up and down like the toddler I once was.
According to my predecessors, a Birthday is a reminder that you're going to like croak soon, that your youth has faded, and that all you can do now is tell stories of your past and sing "I ain't as good as I once was". I like to think my outlook on life will never let me feel that way. Instead of Toby Keith I wanna be singing "there might be a little dust on the bottle, it gets sweeter with time" or however it goes. I'd like to think that the love I feel from people I hardly speak to will continue to pour in on that glorious January 22nd day, regardless of the year. & that the love I feel is enough to last until the next year. I hope on my 69th Birthday I'm giggling because I'm still THAT immature.

Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, thoughtful gifts, shots that I didn't need but still took, and all of the memories to come.

Til next time y'all <3

PS: If anyone is wondering how my New Year's Resolution is going... let's just say I still don't own those shoes ;)