Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year = New You ??

I just wanna look like this again.
Maybe it takes the year to change for us to realize we need to kick our bad habits. We both know you should've put down that cig or that can of Copenhagen months ago but who am I to judge? New Year's Resolutions have become some sort of wish list for things we would like to happen but just to fit in we're going to head to the overly crowded gym for the first few weeks then give up and go back to our daily routine. Maybe that will happen to me, but I think typing it up for the world to see helps me stay accountable. Whatever. Anyways, your parents and those older annoying friends of ours were right when they told us that growing up sucks. That you won't be that flexible if you stop stretching and eventually all those late night Taco Bell/Whataburger runs are going to catch up to you. Man... they weren't kidding. Cheering for 15 years had me pretty strong and flexible... and not to mentioned, RIPPED without even trying. Oh the glory days. But since my days now consist of sitting in a chair for 9 hours, working out is really the last thing I want to do when I get back from work. & boyfriend weight.. yeah that's a real thing. All the Mexican food restaurant dates (our favorite) and beer drinking in my year of legality have taken a toll on my little bod. I've known this for awhile but it took last night to light a fire under my un-toned butt.

Yesterday I decided to try Pure Barre. It's an hour long workout class that consists of small movements targeting difficult areas of a woman's body. It was amazing but it finally hit me that I am something I never thought I could be: weak and no longer flexible... and if I don't do something, I'm gonna get
F A T. Lemme tell you something about a 5 foot tall girl... she can get away with a lot of things like wearing shirts as dresses and shopping in the little kid section on occasion but she can not pull of being fat. There's just nowhere for it to go! So anyways, starting now (yeah that's right, I'm hardcore and not waiting til the 1st) I'm going to workout a lot and cut out soda completely. Just go cold turkey with it. This alone is terrifying.. I'm a whiskey girl and let's be honest... whiskey isn't good without some coke or sprite but I have got to make a change.

Eyes on the Prize

Here's some tips if you don't want to go at it alone. FIND A PARTNER. Make your boyfriend go for a run, sign up for group fitness classes, find someone to keep you motivated. & most important: SET UP A GOAL. My friend and I decided that we were going to lose x amount of weight and as soon as we hit that goal... we're buying ourselves a pair of Tory Burch sandals we've been dreaming about for years. We're doin it for the shoes! I will definitely keep yall posted but don't worry I won't turn into one of those fitness gurus (I'm proud of yall but quit bragging, it makes us that don't have time to live at the gym feel even crummier).

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, December 15, 2014

Put Down the Beer and Set Your Alarm

It's that time of year when our college friends face the end of the all-nighters, the living (or dying) by the curve, and the ridiculously themed ragers. Whether they are the smarty pants that are graduating early or the respectable elderly that took an extra semester, Universities around the great US are saying goodbye to some wonderful attendees. While you may live in close proximity to these graduates things are still going to be different and we have got to learn that these new, responsible adults now have real things to do. They probably won't go out as much on a Monday night or hardcore Sunday Fun Day anymore since they work 40 hours a week. But don't they will figure out how to balance the scales. As for you grads; whether you moved out 4 years ago or are still crashing with the rents this is the going to be the first time in your life you are 100% on your own. Terrifying I know. You fresh out of college kiddos are having to search for your first job (if you aren't lucky enough to already have one), figure out how much money your past few years of college are worth (makes you sick to your stomach), and face the fact that the most paid time off you'll get it about a two weeks or less. It's time to realize that it's Tuesday and going to work not hungover is a lot more appealing than those few Shiner Cheers you have leftover in your mini fridge from the Tacky Sweater Party. On the plus side, you have accomplished something that not everyone gets to do and that is something worth celebrating. To the graduating class of Fall 2014... Cheers! & best of luck. Let us know what the real world is like and thanks for going first.
“Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

Blizzle (middle) graduated in May & works full time & Courty Court (right) graduates Friday.
I'll be with yall in May 2015! <3

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, December 1, 2014

You're the Sprinkles to my Cupcake

Nowadays all women hear is to be friggin I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do ya know what that means? It's beneficial but it's also annoying... yeah I got my own but I don't need the next rapper to keep telling me to buy my own mercedez. I think we need to start telling ourselves and other women around us that we need to be our own cupcake. Dang Hildawg, that sounds ridiculous. (I know you're laughing). But does it? If we started to see ourselves as the - insert your favorite flavor - cupcake we adore would we start taking care of ourselves? Would we start to realize that a toxic friend is like the poopy green custard icing that nobody likes and does not really mix well with our personal flavor? Would we start to realize that boyfriends aren't really a necessity but more like sprinkles? I mean who doesn't love some sprinkles on their cupcake but do you really need em? Once we start to grasp the concept that we do not need some of the extra baggage we carry we start to feel a lot lighter and less stressed out. That yucky icing doesn't have to go on your cupcake... & those sprinkles are NOT a necessity. Be your own perfect flavor of cupcake with the toppings you choose and take care of that thing because the 3 second rule doesn't apply to cupcakes since they tend to land on their face if there's too much sh*t on top.

Til next time y'all <3

PS: Sorry it's been so long. Life has me crazy busy....

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Parent Meetin and Gamblin Sounds Like a Good Idea

So... the inevitable happened.

Meet the boy. #cake
I got tied down. I know, I can't believe it either. When you aren't looking life likes to throw you some curve balls and sometimes you just have to swing anyway. After my failed relationships I couldn't help but preach how important it was to be single and selfish and on your own, don't waste your time dating, people fail you, they're not worth it, etc. etc. etc. All these things are still true for the most part but when something important comes your way, or in my case offers me a margarita, you have got to take advantage of it and enjoy the tequila! I was happy and I was content and the best part is that I wasn't looking. He took me to the ocean as a "we don't know if this is a date" date and we've been inseparable every since. In a few short weeks I have learned that not all guys are bad and not all good guys are free from scars. We've both been burned before so opening up wasn't the easiest thing to do, but it also wasn't work. I'm not sure where this is going to go but for the weekend it's taking me to White Oak, Texas. Yeah... idk where that is either. I get to meet the family... ahhhhh. Just freaking out a little. On top of meeting the family I get to meet some of his closest and most influential friends in Shreveport, LA.

So.. wish me luck. Here's to bonfires, getting involved in close-knit families, and hopefully winning some money. #winningoverparentsandwinninmoney

Til next time y'all <3

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What Makes Him Worth It?

There's a fine line between enjoying someone's company & falling madly in love. It is so hard not to slip into old patterns and lose yourself in the flavor of the week or month or whatever. It isn't a bad thing to date and "catch feelings" but it is a bad thing when you forget who are in the process.

My natural tendency is to completely let my guard down and let him in. When is it okay to actually do that? How do we know if a guy we meet is "the one"? Does "the one" even exist? Are we supposed to fall completely with every guy that catches and maintains our attention? Am I supposed to just go for the ultimate trust fall and see if he catches me? We all know that love is risky... but when does it become worth it? There are so many unanswered questions when it comes to new relationships but the only ones worth paying attention are...

Does he put your first? Does he genuinely care about you? Does he want to be with you (like talking) or does he want to be with you (if ya know what im sayin). We need to figure these out before we go falling head over heels.

It's okay if you're scared to fall, but don't let the past haunt you and ruin a good thing. You never know what you're going to discover. I think I've got a good one on my hands. Could he break my heart... most definitely. Will I survive? For damn sure. So what... either you break up or you get married. That may be terrifying but it's the luck of the draw.

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, November 3, 2014

Throw Some Glitter, Make it Rain

In the midst of midterms, football games, and any other activity we thought we could handle there's that one night where girls can dress as a plug and a guys can dress as a wall outlet without being judged. Yes I'm talking about Halloween. A close friend of mine and myself have always tried to rise about the typical slut costumes and come up with something super cute and creative and mmaaayyyybbeeee a little revealing. We've been adorkable clowns and anything-but-scary scarecrows... but now, she's graduated college and so I got with my twitter bestie, Courtney, (long story short, we realized we loved eachother VIA Twitter) and we decided that we would be the Energizer Bunny. I thought, how fitting... I can run around in athletic clothes, comfy shoes, and bang on a drum all night. DONE. Needless to say Courtney, Halle, and I nailed it. We got out sorority girl craft on and created the drum with a circle hat box from hob-lob, blue and pink duct tape, and the energizer logo mod-podged onto the box. Super easy and tasteful! The only thing that might've taken away from the innocence was me walking around the preparty with a bottle of my drink of choice... classy Andre champagne. That was night one for the frat party...
Night 2: Because who doesn't want 2 different costumes? I was all out of creativity and right before I caved by sending a groupme SOS to my sorority sisters asking for a basic nurse outfit I looked in my closet and saw my fur vest. This fur vest might be one of my favorite articles of clothing... and only because I got it for cheap in the kid's section of Target. #SmallGirlPerks. Anyways, I threw that on, borrowed a sequin top, rocked my leather pants, smacked some glitter on my face and called myself Ke$ha. I found an empty bottle of Jack Daniels courtesy of Courtney #clutch and a toothbrush, walked around screaming that the party didn't start until I walked in, and probably threw glitter on every person I saw. WORD OF CAUTION: don't play with glitter. It has been 2 days and 3 showers later and there is still glitter all over the place. After dressing as the crazed pop star and listening to her lyrics on repeat I've developed a completely newfound respect for the girl... her lyrics are on point & for sure words I currently live by. Example: "Ain't got a care in the world but got plenty of beer. Ain't got no money in my pocket but I'm already here!" PS: Did I tell you that I totally got 7 free tickets for the pub crawl in Midtown we went to?! #rockstar Welp, it's always fun to dress up and I can not wait until next year. It's time to start planning folks.

Til next time y'all <3

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Girls like Jerks

In our minds Prince Charming exists and man o man is he perfect. We have these checklists in our mind and will never settle unless our man meets every requirement.
  • Looks like Adam Brody (my personal favorite)
  • Manly and strong
  • Has a real job
  • Drives a nice car
  • Wants children
  • Has the perfect family that takes awesome vacays
  • Buys you dinner & drinks
  • Compliments you
  • Wants to take care of you
  • Wants you to never worry about financials
  • College educated
  • Athletic
  • Trusts you
  • Adores you
So when we actually meet a guy that leaves no characteristic blank we find out we're not attracted to him at all. WHY? I'm not sure why... but we just don't. Strong, independent women don't want someone perfect.  I don't need someone to compliment me all the time and want to take care of me. I can take care of myself. I want a man that isn't afraid to challenge me, isn't afraid to call me out when I mess up, and a man that allows me to be the exact woman I am. I don't want a man that wants to be with me all of the time, I want to go out with my friends and then come home to him at night. I don't want a man that doesn't want me to worry about financials. I want a man that is going to assist me in my struggle to climb up the ladder and be able to support myself. So with all these things that I don't want... is it possible I'll even find a counterpart that wants to put up with me? W H O C A R E S. That's not my goal in life. I'm after more than an MRS degree.

It blows my mind that we are willing to overlook the perfect man but is it really fair to want to pursue him based off a checklist? Yes he may have everything our parents want for us but we have to actually like him. It does not make any sense that we can overlook this guy and go for someone that isn't as nice and doesn't have his ducks in a row. But I guess in the end... you have got to follow your heart and we all know how logical that can be. I think that's why I've become anti-emotional towards men, for now atleast. It's never worked out and I'm tired of putting in time, effort, and pieces of my heart into people that don't deserve it. I go on dates, I get to know people... but it's going to take time and a different kind of man to make me care again. Maybe he'll come around with the checklist complete and then tell me that he just wants to love me and on my terms... if only dreams came true ;)

Til next time y'all <3

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sleep is for the Weak

As I sit at work sleepy eyed and cranky I've got to ask myself if the late nights of goofing off at frat houses and watching football games I could careless about are really worth it. The answer? OF FREAKING COURSE it's worth it. When are we ever, in our short lives, going to have the energy or freedom to do whatever we so please? Sleep wherever we fall? Drink whatever happens to be on special on a Monday night? Or come home at 4 am with zero responsibly (besides homework & work)? Yes in theory these are all terrible terrible ideas but when I'm sitting around my children telling them stories about my life I do not want to have any regrets. I want them to know that it's okay to play just as hard as you work & yes... mama was a hard worker. As much as I love sleep and would be in my bed 99% of the time if I could... the fear of missing out is a real thing and I do not want to suffer. So stay out late, take lots of pictures, laugh your ass off, and make some freakin memories. Your early 20's don't last forever... make them count.

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, October 13, 2014

Getting Alcohol in the Coffee Cup

This weekend was one for books. Drinks by the ocean to closeout the week, seeing Katy Perry live in concert, dancing on tables in Midtown, seeing the St. Louis Cardinals get shutout then win the next day with a walk-off homer in the bottom of the 9th... MAN! My emotions were all over the place. As much as I try to be responsible and juggle it all, it doesn't workout to my advantage all the time, nobody can be that lucky. I woke up 15 minutes passed the time I was supposed to be at work, messed up on a report I'm solely responsible for, forgot I was going to cover for the receptionist, and realized I was wearing a sleeveless top where you can totally see the left over flash tat from Kitty Purry.

 I think she was talking about me in her song "This is How We Do" when she gives a shoutout to the girls rockin last night's dress at breakfast... she sees me. I do not like to let people down so first thing is first, instead of waking up 10 minutes before I should leave, YES I have mastered the art of speed dressing (it's a thing), I am going to buy an alarm clock and wake up an hour before I should leave. Even if I just sit in bed mad that I'm awake it's something I have got to do. That's the beauty of growing up and becoming responsible. Just some tips for the readers that can relate to this...We have got to realize that being on time is more important than sleeping a little longer and your weekend alcohol should never overflow into Monday's coffee cup.

Til next time y'all <3

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Like Mother, Like Daughter

5 Tips I've Learned from Mom
  1. Never let the bitches see you cry
  2. When the day is over, all you really have is your family, everybody else is looking out for themselves
  3. Staying home on a Saturday isn't a punishment (I'll believe it when I see it)
  4. You can fall in love with rich just as easily as you can with poor
  5. & when you get the choice to sit out or dance... DANCE

No matter how old we get, or how independent we may think we are, we have that one person we run to when the storm is too scary, the boyfriend was too mean, or the lies were just too harsh. In my case, that person is my mama bear. I can tell her everything and although some of it may be hard to hear, she will never judge me or think less of me. Now that's unconditional love. My mother is the hardest working person I know and I rarely give her enough credit. Instead of being my sweet, caring, and fun self most of the people know around her, she receives the mean and negative girl that complains constantly. She does not deserve that and I am often guilty of giving her way less than she should get. From day one she has been my bestfriend, she has worked to provide for me, and she always puts herself last. Today is her Birthday & I want the world (or whoever reads my blog) to know how special she is. There is no way you could get everything you deserve in one whole day but I do hope today comes close.

I love you & hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!!

Til next time y'all <3

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Don't Take a Boy to a Concert

"She's addicted to song lyrics that spill out her heart for her"
Music, for me at least, is passionate and intimate. The things we listen to regularly define us no matter what you think. The problem, just like most relationships, is that not all significant others share the same passion or "sing the same song" as you do. Opening up your passion and attempting to share it with someone else is not something to be taken lightly.
Here's some #TBT stories for ya.
Concert 1: John Mayer
John Mayer is my all time favorite artist, not because I think he's super hot, but because he is a lyrical genius and one of the best guitarists out there. Sophomore year of high school I dated a boy, who will not be named, and for my Birthday/Christmas/our one-year Anniversary present (yes all at once) he bought me John Mayer tickets! It was the best present ever & I was so excited. The only problem is that be gave me the tickets in January & the concert wasn't until March. Long story short, he cheated on me with a "good friend" and took her instead. I boycotted Johnny boy for a good year after that because the sound of his amazing guitar and perfectly sexy voice made me want to commit a heinous crime. I let some high school pretty boy get in the way of my passion for analyzing John Mayer lyrics and pretending like I knew what he was thinking. #stillbitter Now I have a John Mayer lyric tattooed on my body & he has a misspelled Bible verse. Who's winning now?
Goo Goo Dolls @ The Woodlands
Concert 2: Goo Goo Dolls
This story is a tad more recent... I grew up on Goo Goo Dolls. "Black Balloon", "Let Love In", "Slide", and of course "Iris" basically make up my young adulthood soundtrack. I was dating a guy for a short time and just happened to have these tickets laying around, so why wouldn't I take the super awesome, handsome, man I thought I was falling for? (I obviously should've thought this through and taken a girl or something). We had the time of our lives and when the Goo Goo Dolls sang "Name" I actually cried. Yes I may have had some alcohol in my system but there were tears streaming down my face it was so beautiful. Now, I do not speak to so-called awesome, handsome man and everytime I hear "Still Your Song" I'm thinking of his face instead of my childhood. So unfair & he is so unworthy. Listening to Goo Goo Dolls still makes me cringe at my previous endeavor and that is where I beg of you...
Don't take a boy to a concert.

Til next time y'all <3

Monday, September 29, 2014

2 Truths & a Lie

The truth hurts...
Here's the sitch. There's this guy, a fraternity guy, whom I have never had or will ever have any attraction towards. This man is not a good guy & only contributes to my "don't date frat guys" philosophy... BUT he was a friend and I had his back... until Thursday. Said frat guy currently has a girlfriend who he has not just cheated on but has publically humiliated, it's a bad deal all around. I was friends with this girl I thought but she had always been kinda sketched out that I could be friends with her boyfriend and absolutely nothing else. Anyways, she talks all this crap about me & I defend myself saying "yooooo I'm not the girl you should be worried about considering he was just making out with someone on the way to the party & it wasn't me". This turns into some huge ordeal and all of a sudden I'm a huge liar that wants to ruin frat boys life because mine supposedly is super messed up. Alllrrriiiiggghhhttttttt. What is one to do? I didn't say what I saw to get anyone in trouble, I told her to get her off my back! Frat boy & makeout girl both deny it & go back to their significant others like it's no big deal, meanwhile single me looks crazy. To end this story I leave you with a huge, WTF?!

PS: As I'm sitting at work typing this out I am realizing how silly it is that I even care. I mean I'm successful, single, & on top of my stuff. Why would I, or anyone in my situation, even care about the gossip/drama in Greek Park? Don't let the crap get you down... what seems important now won't always seem that way. & for future reference: if a frat guy ever has the audacity to tell you that you better get out of his face or he'll make you cry, feel free to punch him in the throat.

Til next time y'all <3


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Somewhere Between Frat Guys & Businessmen

A few days ago I came to the realization that I, the goofy, childlike person I am, was too old to even think about thinking about freshman boys. But then I realized that there comes a time in a girl's life when she finds herself a little more attracted to guys with facial hair versus the baby faces she once liked to touch with her hands and the stubble that once irritated her mouth after a little makeout sesh becomes a lot more tolerable. The dad bods though... I'm not sure if I'm ready to stray away from the perfectly chiseled Abercrombie models just yet, but to some girls that beer belly is just what the doctor ordered. What does this mean for me? Has my pool of fish been narrowed down to the guys I already know? If that's the case then LORD HELP ME (just kidding, I love you guys... kind of). Growing up is full of some confusing situations.

My current struggle: I'm too old for most college guys, but am I too young for the working class?

REAL text from me to my bfri
I have a work crush on a Mystery Man that happens to work in my building. Before you freak out, know that he doesn't work for my company so it doesn't break the "don't dip your pen in the company ink" rule! Mystery Man and I have chatted here and there and I can tell he's flirting but we're at work! How on earth do you let someone know you are interested or that it's okay for him to take me dinner or ask for a phone number since we have zero form of communication other than running into each other. I've seen MM (for short) on 5 different occasions since I began working at this place & each time *thanks to myself* has been equally filled with awkward giggles and pointless conversations like traffic & Styrofoam cups. I believe myself to be pretty mature but I have to ask... am I too young for him? And then if I'm too young for him, who am I the perfect age for? I can't have frat guys and businessmen... when do I have to pick a side?
Til next time y'all <3

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pilot: "Strictly Business... or not"

Getting back to the sorority house at 2am then waking up at 6am to go to work is a skill I did not necessarily want to master... but I did (98% of the time, oops). Balancing a full time internship that will hopefully lead to a salaried career, the maximum hours of college classes, & being a sorority girl is not what I envisioned my 21 year old life to look like but given the opportunity, I don't think I would change it. My life is full of highs and lows, tears and laughter, & feeling free yet restrained all at once. My purpose of creating this blog was to simply share my life experiences with you (plus I want to write a book someday & starting a blog gives me good framework haha). I am stuck in the middle of being a crazy college student that loves some liquid courage and dancing on the highest surface I can find #LiterallyAboveYou and an almost full-fledged adult that has to wake up at the butt crack of dawn every morning and actually support herself... I mean, I always thought being caught in the middle of different things was a bad place to be, but I kinda like the view & don't feel like getting un-caught? Once I started to E M B R A C E this life I am in, I fell madly in love with it. So here is my invitation to you, follow me on this journey of discovering what the F I'm doing with my life because I doubt you know what you're doing with yours. 

Til next time y'all <3